Friday, October 23, 2015

Gyro Train from the world of Steam Pony

The world of Steam Pony relies heavily on steam power. People needed to get across country quick and fast and traditional rail travel could only go so fast. Go around a curve too fast and the locomotive would flip off the tracks.

Enter the Gyro Train a steam train that travels on a rail system of four rails laid out in a tube formation.

Built like a traditional steam locomotive the Gyro train contains two shells an interior shell and an exterior shell. The exterior shell of the engine has four sets of drive wheels attached to it. Two at the top and two at the bottom. Both are able to pivot out to a 45 degree angle and our able to obtain speeds of 90mph, even on curves. The genius of this is while the exterior shell is moving in all directions, the interior shell is able to stay in the center of gravity the entire time. Allowing a smooth and comfortable ride.

(For the ones that don't get it. Think of a roller coaster where the track twists and curves. While the cars are twisting and turning on the outside, inside you wouldn't even know because the gyro keeps you in the center of gravity.)